Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin | LANGSCAPE | News | Archive | LEM Volume 3 - Call for Papers

LEM Volume 3 - Call for Papers


The call for contributions to the 3rd volume of Language Education and Multilingualism – The LANGSCAPE Journal is now open.

This volume will focus on the topic of Multilingual life in urban linguistic landscapes. Please see the call for papers below for a full description of the aim and focus of the volume.

The journal publishes original work in English, French, German, or Spanish.

The call for proposals closes on March 1st, 2019. Full articles will be due by August 1st, 2019. Please send your proposal to the following address:


LEM Vol 3_Call for Papers_deutsch

LEM Vol 3_Call for Papers_english

LEM Vol 3_Call for Papers_español

LEM Vol 3_Call for Papers_français


Please forward this CfP to colleagues interested in the topic and circulate it widely within your professional networks.

For further information about the journal, please visit the online site of Language Education and Multilingualism – The Langscape Journal or contact