Call for Papers - LEM Volume 2
The next volume of Language Education and Multilingualism – The Langscape Journal will be due for publication in autumn 2019 and will be dedicated to the topic
Please refer to the documents below for further details and all submission deadlines. The call for proposals (2 pages) closes on July 15 2018.
CfP_Language Education and Multilingualism Vol 2_deutsch
CfP_Language Education and Multilingualism Vol 2_english
CfP_Language Education and Multilingualism Vol 2_español
CfP_Language Education and Multilingualism Vol 2_français
Language Education and Multilingualism is a free-of-charge, open-access and peer-reviewed online journal. We publish original research papers written in English, German, Spanish, or French. Further languages may be possible subject to availability of revierwers.
All queries may be sent to