Georg-Simmel Center for Urban Studies

Georg-Simmel-Days 2024

The 11th Interdisciplinary Student Conference of the Georg Simmel Centre for Urban Studies took place on the 15th and 16th of February 2024. With these awards, the Georg Simmel Centre for Urban Studies aims to promote young academics from bachelor's to doctoral level. The Hartmut Häußermann Award, donated by Dr Ruth Jacobs, honours outstanding monographs that embody interdisciplinary, enlightened and socially oriented urban research. Special thanks also go to the Humboldt University Society (HUG), which once again generously supported this event.


As part of the panel "Urban Research by Other Means: Student Projects Awarded by the Stadtlabor for Multimodal Anthropology", three student projects funded by the Stadtlabor for Multimodal Anthropology of the Institute of European Ethnology were presented and displayed in the Festsaal throughout the two conference days.

  • Jonas Möller, Vitor Garcia de Almeida, Jann Mausen: Kontaminiert werden. Forschen in den Ruinen der Reinheit
  • Imad Gebrayel: “Sonnenallee – The Podcast” (part of the PhD project Shar’e al-‘Arab: Negotiations of Arab-Muslim Identifications in Sonnenallee)
  • Maximilian Apel, Christine Maicher, Doreen Sauer, Amira Eistert: “Racoon City Berlin” website.

Georg-Simmel-Award 2024


In line with the wide range of focal points of urban studies at the GSZ, students from various disciplines presented their dissertations in panels on Thursday and Friday and discussed their research with the audience.
We were delighted with the wide range of submissions.
This year, the Georg Simmel Prize 2024 for the best dissertation was awarded to Céline Lauer and her work:

Der Traum vom lebendigen Raum. Eine relationale Analyse städtebaulicher Visionen von gutem urbanen Leben und ihrer Überführung in gebaute Umwelt am Beispiel der Berliner Europacity“ verliehen.


Hartmut-Häußermann Symposium 2024


The Hartmut Häußermann Symposium was opened by Prof Yuri Kazepov from the University of Vienna with his lecture on "The 'European city' at the crossroads: analytical tools for understanding its dynamic".



Hartmut-Häußermann-Award Soziale Stadt 2024.


This was followed by the award ceremony for the Hartmut Häußermann Prize Socially Integrative City 2024, which this year was awarded to Prof. Dr Hanna Hilbrandt for her monograph "Housing in the Margins Negotiating Urban Formalities in Berlin's Allotment Gardens". 
Here, again, many thanks to the submitted works.
The award ceremony was followed by a panel discussion on the award-winning monograph with Prof. Dr Hanna Hilbrandt, Prof. Dr Ignacio Farías, Prof. Dr Johanna Hoerning and Christof Zwiener.